Entries by Dr. Matt Henry

Dental Implants FAQs

Are you interested indental implants in Jacksonville, FL? If so, it’s likely that you have a lot of questions about this restorative dental treatment. Dental implants have now been used all over the world on millions of patients. They provide a permanent, durable, and attractive solution for those who have lost one or more adult […]

5 Major Flossing Mistakes You Must Avoid

Your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, has probably already told you (many times) how important flossing is. Do you floss daily? Are you flossing correctly? Many people who floss daily don’t always floss correctly. So let’s examine the most common flossing mistakes and how you can avoid them. 5 Major Flossing Mistakes You Must Avoid Here are […]

3 Benefits of Having One Family Dentist

When you’re looking for a great dentist in Jacksonville, FL, consider the possibility of making that dentist your family dentist. Having one dentist for your whole family offers many benefits that contribute to better oral health and overall convenience for you and your family, including adults and children! 1. The Personal Touch What a joy it […]

4 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

For many people, the idea of visiting the dentist brings on feelings of anxiety. For others, visiting the dentist isn’t the problem; they just dislike the notion of undergoing major dental treatments. In any case, there is a solution for everyone that can make going to the dentist for any kind of treatment much more […]

How Long Does a Tooth-Whitening Treatment Last

Are your teeth yellowed and stained? Have you tried tooth-whitening toothpaste or a variety of DIY brightening treatments? Do you long for a dazzling smile? First Step: Ask Your Dentist At Healthy Smiles for Life in Jacksonville, FL, Dr. Matt Henry can help restore your happy smile through various cosmetic dental procedures tailored to your particular needs. […]

The Talon Cusp – An Odd Name for an Unusual Dental Anomaly

Dental anomalies, or some dental feature that is atypical, do not always gain a lot of attention, but they definitely exist. The talon cusp is an example of a dental anomaly that can affect certain individuals. Even though a talon cusp is relatively rare, the condition is not always one that should cause concern. Let’s […]