Family Smiling

Things to Look For in a Family Dentist

Choosing the right family dentist in Jacksonville, FL will benefit all the members of your family for years to come. Imagine bringing your young one to the dentist for their first dentist appointment and then watching them drive off from home at age 18 to visit that same dentist. That would be pretty amazing, right? Well, when you choose wisely, as they say, that’s how it can be for your family. Here are key factors to consider:

1. Range of Experience

Look for a dentist with experience in treating all ages. Your family will need everything from fluoride treatments for the little tikes to restorative dentistry for your beloved older generations.

2. Child-Friendly Environment

Sometimes you may have to wait a bit to be seen. It’s times like these that you’ll be grateful for the play castle, array of children’s books and toys to keep your kiddos occupied until it’s their turn.

3. Flexible Scheduling

Busy families need a dentist who offers convenient hours, including evenings or weekends, and can accommodate multiple family members during the same visit.

4. Technology and Modern Practices

You never know what the future holds for your family’s dental health. For all you know, your child will have a tooth chipped during a backyard family reunion and need special treatment to get it fixed. You want to make sure your family dentist has the tools to take care of all eventualities

5. Patient Reviews and Reputation

Online reviews and word-of-mouth recommendations can provide insight into a dentist’s professionalism, patient care, and reliability. Thanks to the internet, it’s a simple task to look up any dentist you’re considering to see what others say.

By prioritizing these factors, you can find a family dentist who meets your needs and fosters a lifetime of healthy smiles for everyone. We hope you’ll choose us as your family friendly dentist in Jacksonville, FL. Contact us today to book an appointment!

Why do Dentists Ask About Medical History?

Have you ever wondered why dentists ask about medical history? It’s because your medical history is closely connected to overall health and it can inform both your existing condition and your future treatments. Certain medical conditions, medications and past treatments affect your teeth, gums and oral tissues just like they affected the other systems and areas of your body that were treated. To give you an example, the medical condition of diabetes increases the risk of gum disease. Certain prescription medications can cause dry mouth, which makes it more likely that the toothache that made you book an appointment with yourdentist in Jacksonville, FL is actually a cavity partially brought on by dry mouth. See how it’s all related? So the next time your dentist asks you those pesky questions about your medical history, now you know why.

Identifying Potential Risks

Some dental procedures carry risks that can be influenced by your health status. For example, if you have a heart condition, your dentist may need to take precautions to prevent infections during dental treatments. For all your dentist knows, you could be taking beta blockers or other drugs that could make it necessary to adjust your root canal treatment. In the same way, patients with bleeding disorders or those taking blood-thinning medications may require specific adjustments during surgical procedures. Your medical history helps the dentist anticipate and manage these risks.

This is why it’s smart to have afamily dentist in Jacksonville, FL, too. When your dentist knows all about your family history of medical conditions, they are better at all the things that they do, like diagnostics and treatment. By understanding your health background, dentists can offer safe, effective, and comprehensive care, ensuring your oral health contributes positively to your general health!

3 Benefits of Routine Dental Visits

Visiting the dentist should be marked on your calendar once every six months. During these appointments, dentists and dental assistants will examine your teeth and gums, provide a detailed teeth cleaning, and ensure your oral health is in tip-top shape.

Are you due for your next dental checkup? If so, contact the office of Dr. Matt Henry today! With our innovative technology and experienced dental team, we provide high-quality dental checkups in Jacksonville, FL.

Keep reading to learn three benefits of visiting the dentist for routine checkups.

Catch Problems Early

As with most medical issues, early treatment is crucial. This also applies to your dental health. Dental checkups allow specialists to examine your mouth and look for any signs of concern. If they notice something, they can take steps to fix the problem. If you wait too long for a dental checkup, these issues can become much worse—and more expensive to treat.

Save Money

Did you know many dental insurance plans actually include free dental checkups? Visiting the dentist for these appointments is a great and affordable way to protect your health. If you avoid these dental visits, you could develop serious dental issues. Not only can these problems be painful, but treating them is also more costly. Routine dental checkups can save you thousands!

Cleaner Teeth

Are you looking for cleaner, whiter teeth? Then make sure you’re visiting the dentist for routine checkups! Not only does your dentist examine your teeth during these office visits, but they also provide an in-depth cleaning process. They can wipe away stains, remove plaque, and freshen breath. Dentists give your teeth and gums the professional clean they need!

If you want optimal oral health, the office of Dr. Matt Henry is here to help. Call us today to work with the best dentist in Jacksonville, FL!

A Cost-Effective Way to Restore Your Smile

Are your missing teeth causing you grief? Everyone wants a perfect smile. But a perfect smile can be expensive. So what can you do? Why not ask your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, about getting a dental bridge?

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is an oral device that literally “bridges” the gap where you have missing teeth. That’s why it’s called a bridge. It can replace one tooth or a row of missing teeth.  

The Pros and Cons of Getting a Dental Bridge

Just like anything else, there are pros and cons. Take a look at these pros and cons of getting a dental bridge in Jacksonville, FL. Dental bridges are a cost-effective way to restore your smile.


  • Cheaper alternative to other tooth replacement options.
  • Provides you with a natural-looking tooth/teeth.
  • Restores your ability to chew and speak properly.
  • Keeps your nearby teeth from shifting into the gap left by your missing tooth/teeth.


  • Tooth decay or an injury could damage the surrounding teeth and compromise your bridge.
  • A bridge could cause the surrounding teeth to crack if they are weak or weakened.
  • Must diligently maintain the proper bridge care and cleaning. Otherwise, plaque and bacteria will build up under the bridge, causing inflamed gums and increasing the chances of a cavity.

How to Take Care of Your New Dental Bridge

Floss and brush twice a day using fluoride toothpaste. You must clean underneath your bridge with floss threaders or special dental brushes designed for that purpose. Don’t chew your fingernails, ice, or other hard objects. Avoid chewy, sticky, and extremely hard foods. And visit your dentist regularly.

Looking for a Dentist in Jacksonville, FL?

Ready to get your smile back? Please Contact Dr. Matt Henry today. Let us bridge the gap between your teeth and your confidence. Don’t put off smiling another day!

Dental Implants FAQs

Are you interested indental implants in Jacksonville, FL? If so, it’s likely that you have a lot of questions about this restorative dental treatment. Dental implants have now been used all over the world on millions of patients. They provide a permanent, durable, and attractive solution for those who have lost one or more adult teeth. They are comprised of three parts; a titanium dental implant, a “screw” abutment, and a faux tooth or teeth. Here are more frequently asked questions about dental implants:

How Long Does it Take to Get Dental Implants?

Each case is unique, and there are different kinds of dental implant solutions. If you have no underlying oral health issues, you could get same-day dental implants. In other cases, especially if you need bone grafting, the entire process could take several months. Your dentist will be able to provide details about your individual circumstances when you visit.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

The implant part is made of titanium, which is a state-of-the-art material used for a range of implants, including dental implants, hip replacements, leg implants, and much more. It’s also FDA-approved as a material that is safe for humans. The titanium does not disintegrate or get absorbed into the body. It remains intact forever.

Does it Matter Where I Get Dental Implants?

It matters a great deal. Unfortunately, not all dental services are alike. You should always get dental implants and other dental work from a well-established dentist with experience in dental implants. Trying to go abroad for dental implants is a bad idea, as other countries’ standards for a dental license and treatment are sub-par to those in the United States. You can see from the testimonials about Dr. Matt Henry that we put our patients’ health first!

To learn more about dental implants, why not book an appointment with your Jacksonville, FL, dentist today? We’ll take the time to answer all your questions about dental implants and more thoroughly!

Family Smiling

3 Benefits of Having One Family Dentist

When you’re looking for a great dentist in Jacksonville, FL, consider the possibility of making that dentist your family dentist. Having one dentist for your whole family offers many benefits that contribute to better oral health and overall convenience for you and your family, including adults and children!

1. The Personal Touch

What a joy it is to walk into a dentist’s office, be greeted by name, and ask how other family members are doing. Having a family dentist can feel like it must have felt like it must have felt in the olden days when there was just one doctor for a whole town. That’s the kind of personal touch you can get when everyone in your family goes to the same dentist.

2. Familiarity With Family Dental Health

When your dentist has the dental health records of everyone in your family, they become very familiar with everyone’s dental health. In some cases, this may even help prevent or diagnose health problems. Examples include a propensity for cavities, gum disease, bite alignment issues, and other things. This will result in better dental health care for you and your loved ones.

3. Trust and Comfort

It’s important to foster trust and comfort in your children about attending the dentist. This will make it more likely that they’ll develop a healthy attitude about oral health and have routine dental visits their whole lives. When your kids know you go to the same dentist they do, they’ll have more trust in the dentist and may even feel more positive about actively maintaining their own healthy teeth.

Dr. Matt Henry would like to be your family’s dentist. We are a family-friendly dentist in Jacksonville, FL, and we work hard to make people of all ages feel welcome. Contact us today to book your appointment!

What to Do Immediately for a Knocked-Out Tooth

Most people’s first reaction when they knock out a tooth is to put it in some water. That’s the absolute worst thing you could do. Here is what your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, recommends.

What to Do Immediately If You Knock Out a Tooth

Never, ever, ever put a knocked-out tooth in water. Doing so could cause the tooth’s root to burst. You need to get help immediately! And we mean immediately! If you want to save and re-implant the tooth.

But until you can get there, here is what you should do.

  • Handling the Tooth

Never handle the tooth by the root. Only handle the tooth by the crown (top part) of the tooth.

  • Place the Tooth Back in the Socket (if possible)

Rinse it with milk or saliva first if needed. Then, if you can, place the tooth back into its socket. Don’t force it. You can hold it in place by gently closing your mouth. If you can’t put it back in the socket, put it in some milk.

  • Put the Tooth in Some Milk (not water)

Put the tooth in milk. Milk has enzymes that help protect the periodontal ligaments. Make sure the tooth is completely submerged in the milk. Then get to the emergency dentist immediately!

If you do all this within five to 60 minutes or so, chances are your tooth will survive if it has been stored properly. After that, the chances decrease significantly.

Now, you will need some restorative dentistry in Jacksonville, FL.

This applies to adult teeth, not baby teeth, so you can wait for your child’s adult tooth to come in.

Do You Need a Dentist in Jacksonville, FL?

If you knock out a tooth, you will need some dental work to get your mouth back to normal. Contact Dr. Matt Henry today. Our number one goal will be to help you get your smile back. We have a comfortable and inviting office with a team of professionals who love making people smile.

How Thumb Sucking Can Lead to a Dental Disaster

Most kids suck their thumbs from time to time. But at what point does it become a problem? The answer might surprise you. Your dentist in Jacksonville, FL, will be the first to tell you what can happen if you don’t get a handle on it sooner rather than later.

How Long Is Thumb Sucking OK?

Babies and toddlers suck their thumbs as a self-soothing mechanism. However, if it continues for too long it can cause long-term damage to their mouth and teeth (more about that in a moment).

After six months of age, a child’s thumb-sucking urge should decrease. However, 30% or so continue through their preschool years. A child will usually wean themselves off thumb-sucking around age three. Anything past that could turn into a dental disaster.

How Thumb Sucking Will Affect Your Child’s Teeth

These are some of the dental disasters that could happen if your child continues to suck their thumb past the age of three.

  • Overbite
  • Open bite
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Speech impediments
  • Social impacts (due to being the only one still sucking their thumb)

How to Stop Thumb Sucking

Your family dentist in Jacksonville, FL, has a foolproof solution to stop your child’s thumb-sucking issue quickly. Who would have thought a dentist could help? But they can!

Your dentist can fit your child with a special oral appliance called a palatal crib. A tongue crib (palatal crib) is cemented behind your child’s teeth. It prevents the thumb from reaching the roof of the mouth, reducing the gratification of thumb-sucking.

Do You Need a Dentist in Jacksonville, FL?

If you have a thumb-sucking child past the age of three, don’t wait to talk with your dentist about your options. Contact Dr. Matt Henry today. Our terrific staff understands how to deal with children and their dental issues properly. And we would love to help you fix your child’s thumb-sucking issues before they become a bigger problem.

PRP and PRF Therapy

As newfound knowledge regarding how the human body works as it is healing comes to light, scientists and researchers develop all kinds of ways to use that knowledge to make medical care more practical and safe for patients. Perhaps there is no greater treatment that exemplifies this fact like PRP therapy. At the office  Dr. Matt Henry in Jacksonville, FL, we are always working hard to tweak our dental services to include the latest in treatment technology. Therefore, we do offer PRP and PRF therapy to our patients who could benefit from the procedure.

PRP Injection Therapy Explained

PRP injection therapy is a method used in modern-day medicine that utilizes blood platelets from a patient’s own blood supply to create a rich, supportive atmosphere for healing at a site where faster healing is important. To perform PRP therapy, a practitioner will collect a blood sample from the patient, and put that harvested blood through a coagulation process in a centrifugal system to separate the rich platelets from the other matter. Certain additives are used to encourage a clot of platelets to form, and that collected clot is then placed in the area where the work has been performed. The advantages of PRP therapy include:

  • Potentially faster healing times for patients
  • Lowered risks of infection after serious dental procedures due to faster healing times
  • The therapy utilizes the body’s own platelets to encourage healing in a more natural way

While many patients can reap the benefits of PRP therapy, certain individuals do benefit the most. For example, elderly patients who may have slower healing rates after something like a bone grafting procedure can usually see healing times reduced. Another advantage worth mentioning with PRP therapy is that the amount of blood that has to be taken from the patient initially is very small, so the therapy is not considered in any way invasive or uncomfortable for the patient. In fact, the majority of patients know little more about what is taking place, where the pain is concerned, other than having to give a small blood sample before the procedure.

The Role of PRP Injections in Modern-Day Dental Treatments

PRP can actually prove to be advantageous in a lot of different types of clinical dentistry treatment, and some of the most well-qualified dentists are now using this treatment as a form of adjunctive therapy for certain procedures. Medical practitioners have relied on PRP therapy for several types of serious treatment and surgical procedures for a while, but PRP is only more recently making its way into dental medicine. Some of the most common procedures in which PRP injections can be helpful are described below.

Bone Grafting – Bone grafting is a procedure a patient will undergo before obtaining dental implants if they do not have a substantial amount of bone in their jawline to anchor an implant to. While bone grafting is considered a highly effective solution, this procedure alone can involve a long healing time, especially for older patients. PRP injections may be used to help aid and quicken the healing process after bone grafting is performed as a precursor to dental implant procedures.

Extractions – Extractions, especially when they involve several teeth or larger teeth, can cause damage to the underlying bone structures in the jawline. The best practitioner will work to correct any deviations in bone structure due to the extraction from the time they pull the tooth. In some cases, PRP injections may be used to help with the healing process if an extraction was more intrusive.

Bone Repair – Bone repair can be a necessary part of maxillofacial surgery after trauma caused by an accident or due to a defect. For example, if a patient has sustained a blow to the side of their jaw and it has caused damage to the jawbones, bone repair may be necessary. PRP injections can be used on some patients to help promote the healing process and shorten recovery times after bone correction surgery in these instances.

The Difference Between PRP and PRF Therapy

PRP and PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) are actually two forms of platelet-rich plasma treatment that involve some of the same processes and are quite similar in nature, but PRF is a bit more simplified in form. Without getting into the real specifics and complexities of medical science, PRF is performed without the use of added coagulants to cause a fibrin clot to form and does not involve utilizing the same additives that are used with PRP harvesting processes. While both PRP and PRF injections are used in dental settings, PRF is often the most preferable form of treatment due to the simplicity of the procedure. Both PRP and PRF therapy offer the same lists of advantages for patients, including potential faster healing times and a lowered risk of infection.

Let’s Talk About PRP Injections in Jacksonville, FL

Overall, both PRP injection therapy and PRF therapy can be a valuable part of your oral health care routine, but not every dentist offers this relatively modern form of adjunctive therapy with treatment. If you are interested in learning more about PRP or PRF therapy or feel you could be a good candidate for PRP with a certain procedure, please reach out to us at the office of Dr. Matt Henry in Jacksonville, FL to learn more about what we have to offer.


3 Ways Tooth Crowding Can Affect Your Smile

When it comes to alignment issues, tooth crowding tends to be one of the most common. Tooth crowding occurs when permanent teeth do not have enough space in the jawline to grow, so the teeth can overlap or protrude in such a way that the teeth are not in a straight line. A general dentist in Las Cruces, NM can help you keep your smile healthy in spite of alignment problems, but crowding can come along with several risks for your oral health. Let’s take a closer look.

1. You may be more prone to tooth decay

When the teeth are crowded, you may have a harder time reaching between them when you brush and floss. Food particles and bacteria can get trapped in the tight spaces where teeth overlap, which can lead to damage to the tooth’s enamel and eventual decay. For this reason, being extra vigilant about your dental hygiene appointments will be especially important if you have issues with dental crowding.

2. You may have issues with an uneven gum line

An uneven gum line means that the gum tissue does not consistently cover the base of your teeth in a uniform way. You may have some areas where the gum tissue is especially thin; you may have points where the gum tissue does not cover a lot of the tooth’s root. While some of these issues can be corrected with the help of an orthodontist or a cosmetic dentist, you will have to be more attentive to gum health than usual if you choose not to have the problem corrected.

3. You may see problems with halitosis

Because food particles can be more likely to get wedged between crowded teeth, some people can be more prone to bad breath. Using an extra-strength mouthwash, flossing as thoroughly as possible, and having your teeth cleaned at the dentist regularly may thwart the issues.

Find Out What Can Be Done About Crowding with a Jacksonville Dentist

Even though tooth crowding is a common alignment issue, it is not an issue that should go unaddressed. If you have crowding issues, it will be important that you work closely with a Las Cruces dentist to keep your oral health in check. Reach out to us at the office of University Family Dental to schedule an appointment.